Solving problems with
Logistics & Warehousing
Temperature Controlled Same Day Delivery
Chilled Logistics
Refrigerated Transport Services
Secure & insured logistics services
Same Day / Urgent Courier Service
24 Hour Service
48 Hour Service
24/7 real-time tracking on all vehicles
100% compliance UK/Europe
Same Day / Urgent Courier Service
24 Hour Service
48 Hour Service
Part of the Hazchem Network
ADR Certified / Full PPE and training
24/7 real-time tracking on all vehicles
Bonded Storage
General Warehouse Storage - Shared User
Dedicated Storage Space
Total Fulfilment Services
Hazardous Goods Warehouse Storage
We monitor every pallet to
ensure on-time delivery
24/7 monitoring and optimisation to ensure on-time deliveries, every-time.
Emergency & time
sensitive solutions
When time is not on your side, JJX Logistics and our time critical solutions can deliver same day services locally, overnight shipments to Europe and urgent courier services. We are the solution to all your time-critical shipment requirements.
Limited inventry holding costs and warehouse space? We ensure your goods arrive exactly when you need them.
Aircraft On Ground & emergency & time sensitive logistics are our speciality, reducing costs with speedy delivery when aircrafts are grounded.
Founder & Managing Director
"Every morning you have two choices: Continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them. Love your job."
Photo taken by the Express & Star for the Business of the Year awards.
We're ready
Our latest
Keep up to date with all the latest news here at JJX Logistics from new fleet additions to regular community events.
We're ready when you need us